Crypto Wallets Simply SecureTrade and Manage Ethereum

Create New Account
too short
  • Remember the Password!
  • Backup your Wallet!
  • Don't clear Browser Storage (without backup)!

Two Easy StepsTo Your First Coin


Create New Account

All you need for creating an account is to create a secure password.

Only you know the password. It is never transfered to a server nor stored, so don't forget it.


Buy Some Ether

On the «Buy» tab in your Account Page:

  1. Choose amount an currency, enter you IBAN, Start the order.
  2. Send the money from your bank to the Swiss banking account given in order confirmation.

Yes, it's that Easy!

It's that easy: Legally change up to CHF 1'000 per day and CHF 100'000 per year to your bank account without registration! No name required. No ID card required. No hassle. Only minimal data transfer (IBAN).

The trading service is provided by our partner: Bity SA, Neuchâtel, Switzerland . No extra fee is added, you pay the same price as on their homepage. We get 10% of their regular fee. That's how we earn our money.

Why Crypto CurrenciesWhat Can I Do With Bitcoin And Ether

Where To Use

As an example, the following Shops accept Bitcoin and Ether:


If yoou think that the price of crypto currencies will raise, because they represent the future of payment, it is now time to enter the market!

Ethereum chart of one year


With crypto currencies, you can easily pay pseudonymously. All that others can see, is your public address, but not your name.

Our services run 100% in the browser and only open functionally necessary connections to a server.


Currently the governments print a lot of money. This invaluates your savings. With cryptocurrency, there is no control by corrupt ans selfish politicias, but all is controlled by a well defined algorithm.

How Pacta Protects Your Safety and Privacy


We make use of strong encryption. There is never a backdoor in our services.


We provide blockchain based trust. There is no need to trust an institution.


We never transfer or copy your private keys. All keys are under your control.


Pacta services only require necessary input. We neither collect nor sell data.


Wherever possible, we rely directly on blockchain features.

Your data is stored in the blockchain or in your browser, but never on our server.

Standards and Libraries

Our code is based on standards and well known OpenSource libraries.
